Our Ingredients

RAW Doh™


When our end-goal is to develop the highest quality NATURAL products for our customers – there’s no room for compromise and second BEST!


Pumpkin can help treat a slew of ailments from digestive issues to eliminating intestinal worms to giving your pup a shiny, healthy coat. The best part is, pumpkin can be given all year round to help your four-legged friend stay healthy and happy even when it isn’t the fall season.


Carrots contain essential vitamins and minerals like beta carotene (which the body converts to vitamin A), vitamin K, potassium and more.


Quinoa is gluten free and lower in calories than other grains, so it’s also a great choice for dogs that are overweight or that have sensitive stomachs. And it packs a powerful punch regarding vitamins and minerals as well as fiber.


Adding Spinach to your dog’s diet adds roughage as well as needed antioxidants and iron. Spinach also contains high levels of the vitamin K which helps maintain good bone health and growth


Coconut flour is a minimally processed product. It’s gluten-free and wheat-freeh and also a great source of protein for vegans, vegetarians and those looking for alternatives to meat protein. Coconut flour is safe for dogs and especially healthy for diabetic dogs or dogs with high cholesterol as it helps to regulate blood sugar levels.

Flaxseed Meal

Health supplement made from flax are high in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. They are believed to reduce the risk of cancer, help heal inflammation, and improve digestive health

Banana Flour

Banana Flour ideal as a wheat-flour alternative. It is made from unripe green bananas before the sugar content has fully developed. That’s always a plus when making healthy treats and cakes for dogs. The green bananas are dried and ground into a flour before packaging.