Our Products

you ever had a moment that you look at your buddy and wonder whether we are providing them a good well-rounded nutritious food, balanced diet?  Nutritious treats – that is not just a bunch of empty calories, unhealthy grain or sugar.

The varieties of TREATS are mind-boggling!

We have also had those moments where our buddies might get sick, or we have to FIGHT to shove down their heartworm or other medications.  Now there is the bread, hotdog, peanut butter, or other home options.  But many of these have preservatives, high-sodium contents, sugar, or ingredients that’s just not healthy for your pets. Especially, when your dog has daily multiple medications and supplements, it can be very daunting to begin with, on top of that potentially disturbing on how much empty-filler ingredients you are giving to them.

That’s why you have Raw DOH™!  Your simple, single bag – single order – that can make you 35-40 healthy treats with a few minutes of mixing, cookie cutting, and then pop into the oven – you can make this also a FUN fill activity for your family and friends!